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Assignment Workflow

Setup and Start

  1. Create a GitHub account at
  2. Access the assignment via the provided URL.
  3. Log in with your GitHub account and accept the assignment.
  4. Refresh the page for updates.
  5. Open your assignment repository using the given link.
  6. In the repository, click <> Code then navigate to Codespaces.
  7. Start a new codespace by clicking +.
  8. Wait for the codespace setup to complete.

Working on the Assignment

  1. Modify and run the code in the codespace.
  2. Ignore .devcontainer and .github folders as they support the coding environment.


  1. Open Source Control (shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+G).
  2. Commit changes: Click Commit, confirm staging with yes, and describe your changes.
  3. Finalize by clicking the checkmark in the top right corner.
  4. Synchronize changes by pressing the Sync Changes button and then OK.

Checking Results

  1. Go back to your assignment repository.
  2. Check the Actions tab for your commit's results.
  3. Successful steps show checkmarks; a cross indicates errors (check step output for details).